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dos veces nominada LATIN GRAMMYs / Premio International Cubadisco / 2018 Womex Selection
Olga Cerpa es la voz femenina más importante de las últimas tres décadas en las Islas Canarias. Nominada a dos Gramy Latinos, ha compartido escenario con artistas de la talla de Omara Portuondo, Joan Manuel Serrat, Julio Pereira o Milladoiro entre otros.
La nueva propuesta en directo de Olga Cerpa y Mestisay transita por un espacio lleno de luz, buena energía, sonidos de raíz y colores atlánticos. Es una de las marcas de la casa que, en esta ocasión, se reúnen en un repertorio plural y diverso nacido como recopilación de sus discos en las últimas tres décadas, y que tiene orígenes en América y África, mixturados en el puente que ha sido siempre el Archipiélago canario.
`Atlantic Sounds´ es un disco nacido sólo para el territorio europeo, a donde la banda dirige su mirada y donde el mismo continente escucha con atención la voz de Olga. Es un disco con el que hace un repaso a algunas de las canciones que definen a la artista y a su tricontinentalidad. Un disco para quienes escuchan por primera vez a Olga, pero que en su voz escuchan Latinoamérica, Portugal, Cabo Verde o el continente africano, lugares que dejan su huella en su música, y también sonidos isleños que han formado parte estos años de su repertorio musical y que ahora redescubren para sí mismos y para este nuevo público a través de originales arreglos. En general son canciones que viven en el ámbito de las músicas populares y de raíz, que adquieren una dimensión colorista y vital gracias a la portentosa voz de Olga Cerpa, en un momento de madurez artística extraordinario, y la banda que la acompaña, compuesta por algunos de los mejores músicos isleños, proponiendo un repertorio de sonidos orgánicos, vivos y llenos de expresividad.
Two times LATIN GRAMMYs nominee / International Cubadisco Award / 2018 Womex Selection
Olga Cerpa is the most important female voice of the last three decades in the Canary Islands. Nominated for two Latin Grammys, she has shared the stage with artists such as Omara Portuondo, Joan Manuel Serrat, Julio Pereira and Milladoiro, among others.
Olga Cerpa and Mestisay's new live performance takes place in a space full of light, good energy, roots sounds and Atlantic colours. It is one of the house brands that, on this occasion, come together in a plural and diverse repertoire born as a compilation of their records over the last three decades, and which has its origins in America and Africa, mixed in the bridge that has always been the Canary Islands Archipelago.
Atlantic Sounds' is an album born only for the European territory, where the band directs its gaze and where the same continent listens attentively to Olga's voice. It is an album that reviews some of the songs that define the artist and her tricontinentality. An album for those who are listening to Olga for the first time, but who hear in her voice Latin America, Portugal, Cape Verde or the African continent, places that leave their mark on her music, as well as revisited island sounds that have formed part of her musical repertoire over the years and which they now rediscover for themselves and for this new audience through original arrangements. In general, they are songs that are born in the field of popular and roots music, which acquire a colourful and vital dimension thanks to the portentous voice of Olga Cerpa, at an extraordinary moment of artistic maturity, and the band that accompanies her, made up of some of the best island musicians, proposing a repertoire of organic, lively and expressive sounds.
Some reviews:
"Times goes fast and it's a strange feeling to think about a 25 year old band that still has new ideas and many verses for the future, waiting for a day when they will be sung by the overwhelming, huge Olga Cerpa's voice"
Fernando Neira / El País
"Olga is accompanied by five excellent musicians, in a mix of atlantic sounds full of elegance and island flavor, with the Canary timple and the Portuguese guitar in an elegant marriage"
Leida Fiallo / Gaceta Latina de New York
"She is a Canary performer revealed to us as a great singer, managing songs from both sides of the Atlantic Ocean with mastery and vocal passion"
J. Rincón / Miami Herald
"Her voice is poignant, within it many years of knowledge, her own and that of other people before her. She looks like a light source, a life spring"
F. Da Silva / Diario de Lisboa
Olga Cerpa - Lead voice
Manolo González - Spanish guitar
Hirahi Afonso - Guitar, Timple
Totó Noriega - Percussion
Jaime del Pino - Bass guitar
Juan Carlos León - Saxo
Some of the last concerts:
Lincoln Center (NYC)
Old Town School of Folk Music (Chicago)
Sala Zitarrosa (Montevideo - Uruguay)
Teatro Caras y Caretas (Buenos Aires - Argentina)
Timitar Festival (Agadir - Morocco)
Rainforest World Music Festival (Kuching - Malaysia)
SunFest (London - Canada)
Gasteig HP8 (München - Germany)